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The Office of Finance Administration is located in the west wing of Vermilion Hall, first floor, and oversees the following support units of the College: Management Information Systems, Bookstore, Business Office, Campus Services, Graphics/Photocopying Center, and the Purchasing.

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The Management Information Systems department provides support primarily for Colleague software.

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The Business Office is located on the first floor in the west wing of Vermilion Hall and performs all accounting and financial functions for the college. Offices include the Cashier, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable and Payroll.

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The department provides mailing services, campus deliveries, office supplies, office furnishings, college vehicle reservations, and binding of booklets and manuals.

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Graphics provides photocopying for large volumes of copies and a folding machine that will fold paper ranging in size from 6" x 9" to 14" x 20"

All purchasing and procurement services are processed through this office, including public bids. Please see the following Board Policies:

6013.0  Purchasing and Procurement Policy

6014.0  Purchase Order Contract

6015.0  Purchase Order Requirements

6016.0  Sole Source Purchases

6017.0  Emergency Purchases - Disruption of Vital College Services